ToteBlaster LT

Portable IBC & Tote Cleaning System

Price: $3,650

The AaquaTool ToteBlaster LT, IBC and Tote Cleaning System is designed to wash and rinse the interior of totes and containers. Perform (in-house) intermediate bulk container (IBC) cleaning in less than half the time, with the ToteBlaster LT Station. This high impact cleaning technology ensures the entire tote interior is thoroughly cleaned in the most efficient manner, utilizing the least amount of resources, including time, labor, energy, cleaning chemicals and water.

Simplicity in design and affordability, coupled with the most durable and effective technology, makes this the ideal IBC/tote cleaning system for any industrial or sanitary application. The system comes equipped with everything needed to setup an IBC/tote cleaning station; just add your pressure washer, 4 gpm or greater (greater is preferred). The AaquaTool ToteBlaster LT can achieve extremely high labor productivity per man hour through automation and using the latest technology in water-based cleaning solvents. Thus, man-hour resources can be more efficiently utilized.

 Class Rotating jet-head
 Power Pressure washer-driven
 Flow Rate 4-5.5 gpm
 Temperature Cold or hot up to 185°F (max)
 Pressure 100-2000 psi (adjustable); 2300 psi (permissible)
 Nozzles Barrels 4 x 1/8” NPT, tanks 2 x 1/8” NPT
 Spray Coverage Four nozzle 6’, two nozzle 10’
 Cleaning Cycle 45 seconds and longer
 Spray Pattern 360°
 Inlet Connection Standard ½” NPT
 Insertion Opening 2” (max)
 Lubricant Self-lubricating
 Installation Portable
 Material 316 Stainless Steel
 Weight 8 lbs
 Warranty One year limited warranty
  • All Processing Industries
  • Plastic or stainless steel
  • Totes
  • IBCs
  • Shipping containers
  • Bulk containers